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On the Duality of Metadata: Potential Uses and Abuses of Provenance Information

Thursday, June 13, 2024 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)


Abstract: In the past decade, critical internet studies scholars and disinformation researchers have discovered how metadata can be exploited to craft deceptive narratives and influence public discourse on platforms. This talk explores some tactics used by bad actors to manipulate social media platforms and evade content moderation by obfuscating provenance information; highlighting the importance of metadata in identifying disinformation and current responses managing the risks of deceptive content spread across platforms. Provenance information serves as the foundation for responsible data management, data exchange and reuse. But as platforms evolve, this same metadata can be manipulated by bad actors to craft deceptive narratives and spread disinformation. This talk examines the duality of metadata in the context of social media research, addressing both its critical role in preventing data misuse and its exploitation for disinformation campaigns and spreading deceptive content. We will also explore connections between the responsible management of research data in open access regimes and the potential for misuse when data is detached from its original context. Information professionals and researchers play a crucial role in combating these challenges by promoting data literacy and critical engagement with openly accessible digital content. I argue that understanding the manipulation of metadata and its role in spreading disinformation, is key to achieving a healthier information landscape. By examining the role of metadata in these contexts, we can better track disinformation campaigns, promote appropriate use (and reuse) of data, and ultimately enhance public data literacy and authenticity online.
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Cathy Nash
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Thursday, June 13, 2024 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)
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