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Institutional Membership Application


To become an institutional member of ASIS&T, please complete the following form. Once we receive your application, a member of our staff will reach out to you to coordinate employees who should be listed under your organization's membership.The typical response time for an institutional membership application is 1-2 business days. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact ASIS&T at

Note: The ASIS&T membership year runs from July 1 - June 30 each year. Members joining between August 6 and January 1 will pay prorated dues for the number of months between their join date and the 30th of June. Members joining after January 1 and before June 30 will pay the prorated dues for the balance of the current membership year plus the following membership year. Membership dues are non-refundable.

In submitting your application and annually renewing your ASIS&T membership, you agree to comply with the ASIS&T Code of Conduct.

Select An Option

Dues: $700/year

ASIS&T Affiliate Institutions receive three professional memberships; three PhD memberships, unlimited one-year bachelor or master's student memberships; a print subscription to JASIST; a link to your institution from the ASIS&T website; group rates at ASIS&T conferences, and discounts on job postings.

Dues: $1,000/year

ASIS&T Corporate Patron’s receive all of the benefits of Affiliate membership plus a free job posting and discounts on meeting program ads.

Institutional partners receive all of the benefits of Corporate Patron Membership plus an exhibit booth at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting, a complimentary meeting program ad, an invitation to present at a chapter meeting; a unique website profile, and recognition as a sponsor.

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Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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