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Individual Membership Application


Membership in ASIS&T has many benefits, including education and networking opportunities, awards and scholarship programs, discounts for training and access to our resources.  Members join a local chapter through which they gain additional networking, leadership and educational experiences. 

Note: The ASIS&T membership year runs from July 1 - June 30 each year. Members joining between August 6 and January 1 will pay prorated dues for the number of months between their join date and the 30th of June then will be billed for the following year in June. Members joining after January 1 and before June 30 will pay the prorated dues for the balance of the current membership year plus the following membership year. Dues are non-refundable. 

In submitting your application and annually renewing your ASIS&T membership, you agree to comply with the ASIS&T Code of Conduct.

Select An Option


$18/year (Developing Nation - select in drop-down above) / $47.50/year (all others)

Student memberships are for individuals enrolled as full-time information science students at the Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral level. There is a limit of 6 years that one may be a student member. Students enjoy the same benefits as a professional member with electronic access to our Digital Library. Students also get membership in their school’s student chapter. Residents of countries identified by the World Bank as developing nations are eligible for a substantial discount. Please visit the Developing Nation Page for a list of countries eligible for this discount. (Note, address and telephone number of record must be in the country listed in order to qualify for the discount.)


$30/year (Developing Nation - select in drop-down above) / $80/year (all others)

Early Career membership is available to individuals who have been student members of ASIS&T and are transitioning to professional status or are within 12 months of graduation from a bachelors, masters, or PhD program. Early Career members enjoy all the benefits of Professional Membership at a discounted rate. Students are automatically upgraded the year after graduation or upon confirmation of non-student status. There is a 2-year limit to this membership. Residents of countries identified by the World Bank as developing nations are eligible for a substantial discount. Please visit the Developing Nation Page for a list of countries eligible for this discount. (Note, address of record must be in the country listed in order to qualify for the discount.


$50/year (Developing Nation - select in drop-down above) / $160/year (all others)

ASIS&T Membership provides professional members access to our Digital Library as well as access to the prestigious Journal of ASIS&T (JASIST) and past issues of the Bulletin.   In addition, this class of membership entitles you to free webinars, the online membership directory, access to the career center, chapters, special interest groups (SIGS), discounts on meetings, programs and publications.  Professional members are also eligible to vote, hold office and participate in the group insurance program. Residents of countries identified by the World Bank as developing nations are eligible for a substantial discount. Please visit the Developing Nation Page for a list of countries eligible for this discount. (Note, address of record must be in the country listed in order to qualify for the discount.

Dues: $80/year

The Community Only membership category is designed to provide you with an easy way to network, connect and share with your peers and colleagues. The benefits of Community Only membership are limited to access to Chapter and SIG resources and does not include the other benefits of ASIS&T membership. Community Only membership is only available to individuals who have not previously held membership in ASIS&T.

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