Individual Membership Application

Membership in ASIS&T has many benefits, including education and networking opportunities, awards and scholarship programs, discounts for training and access to our resources. Members join a local chapter through which they gain additional networking, leadership and educational experiences.
Note: The ASIS&T membership year runs from July 1 - June 30 each year. Members joining between August 6 and January 1 will pay prorated dues for the number of months between their join date and the 30th of June then will be billed for the following year in June. Members joining after January 1 and before June 30 will pay the prorated dues for the balance of the current membership year plus the following membership year. Dues are non-refundable.
In submitting your application and annually renewing your ASIS&T membership, you agree to comply with the ASIS&T Code of Conduct.