2022 ASIS&T Annual Meeting & Information Science Summit

10/28/2022 - 11/1/2022


Information plays a pivotal role for the good of society. However, we live in an information environment where the lines between true and false, and interest-driven and balanced content are blurred. This, coupled with the constant information overload, places enormous demands on people. With the United Nations having declared the information situation around the Corona pandemic an “infodemic”, and with a flood of misinformation and disinformation, there is a great need to create a resilient information environment for the future. Integrity, quality, and reliability are critical factors in making information an asset rather than a liability to society.

With its unique focus on information, people, and technology, information science is at the forefront of conceptualizing, developing, and implementing solutions for a future information environment that not only reacts to crises, but also helps protect society from future information crises. Quality information can play a central role in helping people spring back after crises but also in dealing with or averting them.

As the premier international conference in the field, the ASIS&T Annual Meeting is a forum to assist in addressing these issues as we continue to push forward the positive contributions of information and technology.


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Wyndham Grand, Pittsburgh, PA USA
600 Commonwealth Plaza
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 United States
Event Contact
Cathy Nash
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10/28/2022 - 11/1/2022
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